
Protected INI

Paolo Mazzon

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Protected INI is an INI encryption helper for GM:S!

It allows you to save and load data from an ini file securely, so the player cannot edit the contents! It decrypts the file when you open it, allowing you to gather the data you need or add some data, and encrypts it when you close it to prevent players from messing around with the file.

In this pack, there are two scripts: ini_open_protect, and ini_close_protect, that's it. Just replace ini_open with ini_open_protect and same with the close, and you're set. You can use all of GM's default INI functions in unison with these scripts; except for ini_write/read_real. This is very easy to work around, just use the real and string functions.

The scripts have lots of comments, describing every thing that goes on, just in case you want to learn how this works.

Notes: - This has only been tested on Windows, and the Windows (YYC) modules. So I can't guarantee these will work on other platforms.

  • This product comes with an example to show you how to use it - Even the example is commented.

If you have any complaints, bugs, or comments, email me at [email protected].

End User Licence Agreement (EULA).

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.0.1. Published June 19, 2015

Fixed a small bug with closing the file.

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