
Flag Shader


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This asset has only been tested with GameMaker: Studio 1.

Download demo: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AppH38QcoEBfh-RH_obU1-TYr7637A

Forum thread: https://forum.yoyogames.com/index.php?threads/flag-shader.3304/

A well-commented, fast and easily customizable 2D flag shader. The vertex shader interpolates between two states (folded and unfolded) where the wind speed the user specifies affects the animation speed, blending and mirroring of the states. The fragment shader applies gradient lighting calculated in the vertex shader and can be commented out if not needed.

The extension consists of one object, one shader and five scripts to make it easy to implement, together with an example to show you how to use the extension. The scripts let you set the wind speed, the animation speed factor, the flag x/y/width/height, the amount of vertices to use and more.


  • flag_create
  • flag_set_sprite
  • flag_set_transformation
  • flag_set_wind
  • flag_set_time_factor

Remember to read the asset's EULA:

End User Licence Agreement (EULA).

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.0.0. Published October 21, 2014

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