GameMaker (2.0 - 2.2.x)



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A location extension for GameMaker 2. Currently only supports android.

setLocationMode(double) Set the location mode. 0 = Network location mode 1 = GPS location mode 2 = Passive location mode

requestLastLocation Request the last known location. No delay.

requestLocationUpdates Reqtest perodic location updates

removeUpdates Disable the location updates

All resopnses send to Async - Social event:

In the async social script you can handle the location data:

var type = async_load[? "type"]; if (type == "location") { var s = "LOCATION: " + string(async_load[? "la"]) + " " + string(async_load[? "lo"]) + "|ac" + string(async_load[? "ac"]) + "|al" + string(async_load[? "al"]); show_debug_message(s); }

End User Licence Agreement (EULA).

Age Rating: 4+


GMS2 - Version 1.0.0. Published November 21, 2017

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