GameMaker (all)

Nihilist Font


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To use Nihilist font inside your project, follow these steps:

  1. Import spr_nihilist_font5x9_strip94.png (or any other) in your project as a sprite, be sure that sprite origins are x=0 and y=0;

  2. In Draw event of an object you want to use font in you have to add font from sprite and assign it to a variable using font_add_sprite();

  3. After that, you have to set this variable as a font using draw_set_font();

Nihilist font is a custom font mostly used in games made by hyperboreanGames. By purchasing this font, you DON'T have to add the authors, or the font name in credits, but you can do it if you want.

Font works in both GameMaker: Studio 1.4 and GameMaker: Studio 2

If you have any questions, you can ask them on mail: [email protected]

End User Licence Agreement (EULA).

Age Rating: 4+


GMS2 - Version 1.0.0. Published May 24, 2017

GMS1 - Version 1.0.0. Published May 24, 2017

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