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One single perfect drawing function to draw bubble dialog boxes very easy!

Simple usage

draw_bubble_box(ax,ay,bx,by,r,ext_x,ext_y,ext_r); // one call makes it all
  • Inner text rectangle area: from ax,ay to bx,by
  • Rounding radius: r
  • Speaker's position - direction of bubble: ext_x, ext_y
  • Rounding speaker's end of box - bubble tip size: ext_r

Sample code shows you how to draw text into dialog boxes with line wrapping. ( all code is commented ).

GML code only - platform independent. ( tested on Windows 7 and HTML5 )

Note: Even better effect can be achieved if you have Rhythmline system for precise timing actions: https://marketplace.yoyogames.com/assets/280/rhythmline

End User Licence Agreement (EULA).

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.0.0. Published July 16, 2014

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