
Color Coding Files


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This asset has only been tested with GameMaker: Studio 1.

Forum thread: https://forum.yoyogames.com/index.php?threads/color-coding-files-free.3292/

A collection of 16 color files to change the color coding style of the GameMaker IDE. After you've imported the included files, go to File > Preferences > Scripts and Code, and click "Import" in the "Colors" section. Locate the included files in the "datafiles" folder in your project directory. Pick your choice and your color coding will change.

Visit the forum thread (link above) for more screenshots.

Remember to read the asset's EULA:

End User Licence Agreement (EULA).

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.2.0. Published November 25, 2014

Added "Aqua" and "Magma".

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